on February 12, 2010 by alchemystic in American Upbeat, Rim Shot, Comments (2)

Comments, Robots, And Real People

I have to say, yesterday, I woke to a pleasant surprise, indication that real people were getting to my site. You see, most mornings, first thing, I check in, clean up the comments. Some mornings, I find I’ve been slammed over night, my record so far, is waking up to 139 comments, all robot spam! So what’s the point, why do they attack, Dan, my point man, tells me this isn’t all bad, that it shows I’m getting out there, that just maybe, there are some real people out there, reading my stuff. Now I don’t claim to have all the answers, actually, I don’t have any at all, for me, this is just a process, a way for me, to work some of this stuff out, and hopefully, connect to a few souls along the way. I guess I was about seventeen when I was told, NEVER write anything down, that it can be held against you, I realize now, very bad advise, finely, after forty years, I see the light. I say this, in order to encourage comments, to encourage real people to write, not that I want people agreeing with me, what I want is to learn, to hear about views from the other side, I guess I’m still looking for someone to take me to school. After noticing that I had moved 444 comments, robot spam, to the trash, I made a wish, something I do every time I see three numbers that are the same, lining up. My wish was to get a comment from a real person, my wish came true, go figure, Anthony from Australia, a Brother Dragon stepped up, answered the call. He talked about how by reading my stuff, he felt encouraged, to pick up on his own writing. When God goes on vacation, Art takes over, whether its music, photography, painting a painting, or words, this is the stuff in life that has true meaning, to create, to express, to leave something of yourself for others!

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  1. lynn

    February 13, 2010 @ 3:16 am

    Hi Ed…..Happy Valentines day!….great post…and I am happy to say I also want to leave something behind…my daughter says after I’m gone my quilts will rest in the Smithsonian….she used to work there so she has an in..lol

  2. Suie

    February 17, 2010 @ 12:29 am

    Hi Ed,
    I write to much Brynna says. To many stories of when she was little. Each year I have kept a diary mostly of her and George. You have such great thoughts I am blonde. Need I say more.

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