On June 13, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted on legislation to massively expand the spying power of both the government and civilians. The ACLU of Pennsylvania is disappointed that the state House passed HB 2400, but the struggle against this bill goes on. We are hopeful that the state Senate will revise this bill to better protect privacy.
Urge your state representative to protect privacy in Pennsylvania!
Bill Number: HB2400
PA House Roll Call No. 1593
2012 Legislative Session |
Votes For: |
144 |
Votes Against: |
52 |
Roll Call of Members |
Yeas: 144 |
Rep. William Adolph (R-PA-165)
Rep. Ryan Aument (R-PA-41)
Rep. Matthew Baker (R-PA-68)
Rep. Bryan Barbin (D-PA-71)
Rep. Stephen Barrar (R-PA-160)
Rep. John Bear (R-PA-97)
Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-PA-171)
Rep. Stephen Bloom (R-PA-199)
Rep. Karen Boback (R-PA-117)
Rep. Scott Boyd (R-PA-43)
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA-170)
Rep. Kevin Boyle (D-PA-172)
Rep. Matthew Bradford (D-PA-70)
Rep. Joseph Brennan (D-PA-133)
Rep. Rosemary Brown (R-PA-189)
Rep. Frank Burns (D-PA-72)
Rep. Ronald Buxton (D-PA-103)
Rep. Thomas Caltagirone (D-PA-127)
Rep. Mike Carroll (D-PA-118)
Rep. Martin Causer (R-PA-67)
Rep. Jim Christiana (R-PA-15)
Rep. Paul Clymer (R-PA-145)
Rep. H. Scott Conklin (D-PA-77)
Rep. Dom Costa (D-PA-21)
Rep. Thomas Creighton (R-PA-37)
Rep. Lynda Culver (R-PA-108)
Rep. Peter Daley (D-PA-49)
Rep. Tina Davis (D-PA-141)
Rep. Gary Day (R-PA-187)
Rep. Anthony DeLuca (D-PA-32)
Rep. Eugene DePasquale (D-PA-95)
Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA-153)
Rep. Daniel Deasy (D-PA-27)
Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-PA-88)
Rep. Frank Dermody (D-PA-33)
Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-PA-18)
Rep. Brian Ellis (R-PA-11)
Rep. Joe Emrick (R-PA-137)
Rep. John Evans (R-PA-5)
Rep. Garth Everett (R-PA-84)
Rep. Florindo Fabrizio (D-PA-2)
Rep. Frank Farry (R-PA-142)
Rep. Mike Fleck (R-PA-81)
Rep. John Galloway (D-PA-140)
Rep. Richard Geist (R-PA-79)
Rep. Camille George (D-PA-74)
Rep. Marc Gergely (D-PA-35)
Rep. Jaret Gibbons (D-PA-10)
Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-PA-47)
Rep. Mauree Gingrich (R-PA-101)
Rep. Robert Godshall (R-PA-53)
Rep. Neal Goodman (D-PA-123)
Rep. Glen Grell (R-PA-87)
Rep. Seth Grove (R-PA-196)
Rep. Joseph Hackett (R-PA-161)
Rep. Marcia Hahn (R-PA-138)
Rep. Gary Haluska (D-PA-73)
Rep. Michael Hanna (D-PA-76)
Rep. Ted Harhai (D-PA-58)
Rep. Julie Harhart (R-PA-183)
Rep. Patrick Harkins (D-PA-1)
Rep. Kate Harper (R-PA-61)
Rep. Adam Harris (R-PA-82)
Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-PA-122)
Rep. Susan Helm (R-PA-104)
Rep. Tim Hennessey (R-PA-26)
Rep. Dick Hess (R-PA-78)
Rep. David Hickernell (R-PA-98)
Rep. John Hornaman (D-PA-3)
Rep. Scott Hutchinson (R-PA-64)
Rep. Warren Kampf (R-PA-157)
Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-PA-89) |
Rep. Michael Kavulich (D-PA-114)
Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA-85)
Rep. Mark Keller (R-PA-86)
Rep. William Keller (D-PA-184)
Rep. Jerry Knowles (R-PA-124)
Rep. Nick Kotik (D-PA-45)
Rep. Deberah Kula (D-PA-52)
Rep. John Lawrence (R-PA-13)
Rep. Mark Longietti (D-PA-7)
Rep. Ryan Mackenzie (R-PA-134)
Rep. John Maher (R-PA-40)
Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-PA-51)
Rep. Sandra Major (R-PA-111)
Rep. Jennifer Mann (D-PA-132)
Rep. Joseph Markosek (D-PA-25)
Rep. Jim Marshall (R-PA-14)
Rep. Ronald Marsico (R-PA-105)
Rep. Kurt Masser (R-PA-107)
Rep. Robert Matzie (D-PA-16)
Rep. Nick Miccarelli (R-PA-162)
Rep. David Millard (R-PA-109)
Rep. Ronald Miller (R-PA-93)
Rep. Duane Milne (R-PA-167)
Rep. Richard Mirabito (D-PA-83)
Rep. Dan Moul (R-PA-91)
Rep. Kevin Murphy (D-PA-113)
Rep. Thomas Murt (R-PA-152)
Rep. Ed Neilson (D-PA-169)
Rep. Brandon Neuman (D-PA-48)
Rep. Bernie O’Neill (R-PA-29)
Rep. Donna Oberlander (R-PA-63)
Rep. Cherelle Parker (D-PA-200)
Rep. Eddie Pashinski (D-PA-121)
Rep. John Payne (R-PA-106)
Rep. Tony Payton (D-PA-179)
Rep. Michael Peifer (R-PA-139)
Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA-92)
Rep. Joseph Petrarca (D-PA-55)
Rep. Scott Petri (R-PA-178)
Rep. Tina Pickett (R-PA-110)
Rep. Jeff Pyle (R-PA-60)
Rep. Thomas Quigley (R-PA-146)
Rep. Marguerite Quinn (R-PA-143)
Rep. Adam Ravenstahl (D-PA-20)
Rep. Harry Readshaw (D-PA-36)
Rep. Dave Reed (R-PA-62)
Rep. Todd Rock (R-PA-90)
Rep. Rick Saccone (R-PA-39)
Rep. Christopher Sainato (D-PA-9)
Rep. Steve Samuelson (D-PA-135)
Rep. Steve Santarsiero (D-PA-31)
Rep. Dante Santoni (D-PA-126)
Rep. Stanley Saylor (R-PA-94)
Rep. Mario Scavello (R-PA-176)
Rep. Justin Simmons (R-PA-131)
Rep. Matthew Smith (D-PA-42)
Rep. Curt Sonney (R-PA-4)
Rep. Edward Staback (D-PA-115)
Rep. Todd Stephens (R-PA-151)
Rep. Jerry Stern (R-PA-80)
Rep. Richard Stevenson (R-PA-8)
Rep. Rosemarie Swanger (R-PA-102)
Rep. Will Tallman (R-PA-193)
Rep. John Taylor (R-PA-177)
Rep. Mike Tobash (R-PA-125)
Rep. Marcy Toepel (R-PA-147)
Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-PA-116)
Rep. Mike Turzai (R-PA-28)
Rep. Mike Vereb (R-PA-150)
Rep. Randy Vulakovich (R-PA-30)
Rep. Katharine Watson (R-PA-144)
Rep. Jesse White (D-PA-46) |
Nays: 52 |
Rep. Louise Bishop (D-PA-192)
Rep. Tim Briggs (D-PA-149)
Rep. Michele Brooks (R-PA-17)
Rep. Vanessa Brown (D-PA-190)
Rep. Michelle Brownlee (D-PA-195)
Rep. Mark Cohen (D-PA-202)
Rep. Paul Costa (D-PA-34)
Rep. Jim Cox (R-PA-129)
Rep. Angel Cruz (D-PA-180)
Rep. Lawrence Curry (D-PA-154)
Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-PA-100)
Rep. Margo Davidson (D-PA-164)
Rep. Pamela DeLissio (D-PA-194)
Rep. Gordon Denlinger (R-PA-99)
Rep. Maria Donatucci (D-PA-185)
Rep. George Dunbar (R-PA-56)
Rep. Eli Evankovich (R-PA-54)
Rep. Dwight Evans (D-PA-203)
Rep. Dan Frankel (D-PA-23)
Rep. Robert Freeman (D-PA-136)
Rep. Matt Gabler (R-PA-75)
Rep. Michael Gerber (D-PA-148)
Rep. Mark Gillen (R-PA-128)
Rep. Harold James (D-PA-186)
Rep. Babette Josephs (D-PA-182)
Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D-PA-159) |
Rep. William Kortz (D-PA-38)
Rep. Tim Krieger (R-PA-57)
Rep. David Maloney (R-PA-130)
Rep. Michael McGeehan (D-PA-173)
Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-PA-12)
Rep. Carl Metzgar (R-PA-69)
Rep. Phyllis Mundy (D-PA-120)
Rep. Mark Mustio (R-PA-44)
Rep. John Myers (D-PA-201)
Rep. Michael O’Brien (D-PA-175)
Rep. Joseph Preston (D-PA-24)
Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-PA-65)
Rep. Mike Reese (R-PA-59)
Rep. Brad Roae (R-PA-6)
Rep. James Roebuck (D-PA-188)
Rep. Chris Ross (R-PA-158)
Rep. John Sabatina (D-PA-174)
Rep. Martin Schmotzer (D-PA-22)
Rep. P. Michael Sturla (D-PA-96)
Rep. W. Curtis Thomas (D-PA-181)
Rep. Dan Truitt (R-PA-156)
Rep. Greg Vitali (D-PA-166)
Rep. Ronald Waters (D-PA-191)
Rep. Jake Wheatley (D-PA-19)
Rep. Jewell Williams (D-PA-197)
Rep. Rosita Youngblood (D-PA-198) |
Tags: cameras,
Pennsylvania House of Representatives,
video taping