Not A Fan Of Fandalism
Fandalism is a website that claims to be for musicians; however, MUSICIAN BEWARE!
Fandaslim chooses to violate your, and your friends, privacy. You are not doing yourself, nor your friends, any favor by utilizing this privacy violation and security risk.
This is how a typical Fandalism Facebook Application attempts to phish for you and your friends:
[Friend's name] said [my name] is a great musician and sent an invitation to Fandalism.
Fandalism is an invite-only directory of great musicians on Facebook.
This is a special invitation. [Friend's name] really thinks[my name] is great.
Please do not use FaceBook Applications that expose your friends.
danger, FaceBook, Facebook Application, Fandalism, invitation only, malware, musicians, phishing, privacy, scam, security