What is walking pneumonia?

What is walking pneumonia? Walking pneumonia is a relatively
minor lung infection that is caused by the Mycoplasma pneumoniae organism. And although the bacteria is causes infection in the lungs, the disease itself is so minute that it is possible the body can cure it without additional treatment.

This is why walking pneumonia developed its interesting name, since it is possible to do things normally despite what is going on inside your body. Of course, treating walking pneumonia nonchalantly is definitely not recommended, since the disease still produces uncomfortable symptoms and can be contagious.

So, what are the symptoms of walking pneumonia? Many of the major signs of walking pneumonia will mimic what a person experiences when they have a bad cold or a flu. These can include:

  • headaches
  • nausea
  • a sore throat
  • fever
  • chills
  • chest pain

There are also more troublesome, (yet manageable), signs of walking pneumonia that may include:

  • rashes
  • a lump in the neck
  • ear pain
  • increased respiratory rate

Walking pneumonia symptoms can be very similar to problems
associated with other illnesses, especially the common cold or the
flu. In fact, this is often why walking pneumonia symptoms do not get
recognized, because a person may be thinking they don’t actually
have pneumonia. And while it is possible that walking pneumonia
can be resolved by the body’s immune system, the recovery
process is much faster if the person gets antibiotics. This is why
a person needs to pay close attention to what they are experiencing.
If they are suffering walking pneumonia symptoms, they should
consider getting themselves checked out so they can determine a course of action. As you read on, you will learn about the basic walking pneumonia symptoms and how they differ from symptoms associated with a cold or a flu.


With a cold you may get a mild fever that lasts only a day or so.
And with a flu you get a fever that can last for a week, though it tends
to get better each day. However, if you have a fever as a
walking pneumonia symptom, it may last longer than a few days or
even a week. This is because the incubation period for walking
pneumonia is 1 to 4 weeks. During this time you will get
walking pneumonia symptoms that will last as long as the infection
does. And a fever is one of these ‘beginning’ symptoms.

Excessive Sweating

Sweating is very common with walking pneumonia but not as
common with flus or colds, even when a person has a high temperature.
So, if you are exhibiting other walking pneumonia symptoms, you may
want to look at your sudden, unexplained sweating as being indicative
of the condition.

Sore Throat

As a walking pneumonia symptom, a sore throat will not go away. It will
also not be relieved through over-the-counter medication. With colds,
sore throats can be relieved with over-the-counter medication, and they
usually only last around two or three days. With a sore throat caused
by walking pneumonia, the discomfort may be mild initially, but will get
worse as the disease progresses.


Nausea and vomiting will last about a week if they are indicative of a flu
rather than walking pneumonia. However, if they are walking pneumonia
symptoms they may last for a much longer period of time.

Dry Cough

Of the walking pneumonia symptoms a person can get, the dry cough is one that is signature. This cough tends to be much more severe than what a person gets with a cold, which eases up over just a few days. Additionally, dry cough caused by walking pneumonia gets worse at night as more fluid accumulates in the lungs. With a cold the coughing outbreaks are pretty much the same throughout the day.

Other Symptoms

Other walking pneumonia symptoms that can not be confused with a cold or a flu may accompany the ones already listed in this article. Examples could include skin lesions or rashes, pain in the ears or even a lump in the neck. Not all people will get these types of walking pneumonia symptoms, but if they do they should definitely consider the possibility that they may have the disease.


Once you get diagnosed, many opt for an all too common treatment nowadays…a bottle of antibiotics.

Now, you’re not shocked that antibiotics are commonly given as walking
pneumonia treatment. But you may be a little surprised when your doctor says that as long as you are taking the antibiotics, it is okay for you to go back to work like you normally did. With antibiotic walking
pneumonia treatment, not only can you get better without bed rest,
but you don’t have to worry about spreading the disease to other people. This form of walking pneumonia treatment handles the disease in such a way that it stays contained in your own body.

Do any other walking pneumonia treatment options exist?
Well, if the condition gets worse, you may be given intravenous antibiotic walking pneumonia treatment.

One may also explore natural ways to speed up the course of the disease, boost their immunity and find relief from the symptoms.

Diet tips for pneumonia

  • Herbal teas such as rosehip and fenugreek, echinacea, olive leaf, ginger, lemon, manuka honey are beneficial to support immunity and reduce mucus production
  • Water is the best way to flush the kidneys of any metabolic wastes produced during infections. Ensure that you are adequately hydrated as dehydration causes the cells to shrink and be less nourished
  • Eat plenty of foods which will help reduce acid and alkalise the blood
  • Include in your diet – lemons and lemon juice, miso soup, vegetable juices, plenty of ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric and chilli, soups and broths, barley grass, brown rice, decrease dairy (dairy foods contribute to phlegm production)
  • Reduce coffee, tea, alcohol, sugar (sugar decreases immunity), processed and preserved foods
  • Drink plenty of warm fresh lemon and ginger drinks to keep the warmth in the body and reduce inflammation

Lifestyle factors for pneumonia

  • Keep warm and rest so you can fully recover
  • Antibiotics destroy all good and bad bacteria in the body and without reintroduction of the good species of flora your immunity and digestive function may be compromised
  • Sit in the warm sunshine for 10 minutes a day as the skin absorbs Vitamin D from sunlight and this acts on the immune system and improves health and vitality

Natural remedies for pneumonia

  • The herbs Olive leaf, Golden Seal, Echinacea, Elder, Mullein and
    Andrographis will help to rebuild a depressed immunity by providing the
    body with much needed anti-oxidants and also act as trophorestoratives to the immune system as well as anti-inflammatory, decongestant and immune stimulating effects

  • Probiotics are especially important if you have recently taken a
    course antibiotics to help restore good bowel flora and help the immune system to recover

  • Colloidal silver, is a highly effective way to increase immunity due to
    its many immune stimulating actions

  • Zinc is an important nutrient for the immune system and after illness
    strikes it is beneficial to improve your zinc status which will be diminished due to inflammation and infections

As always, seek a professional’s advice before starting any treatment or lifestyle change.

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