on April 30, 2011 by alchemystic in American Upbeat, Comments (0)

When I Tossed Them Up They Were Silver

When they fell back into my hands, they had turned to gold, sorta like Merlin, with just a slight wave of my wand, I watched those coins as they flipped, I’m feeling real alchemystic on about now, as I’m watching this gold lifting up in my hands, WTF, its going through the roof! I know, they’re some out there, who love to see a victim of a crash and burn, lots of people just waiting on the next train wreck, I’ll do my best, guess you could say I’ve entertained the masses before! So I think this means a whole new set of books, lots of new stuff to learn, I think working the up slide, is a whole lot different than the down slide, think I’ll be working here with all new rules. Backing up a little, I don’t think I was the only one out there deciding when the right time was, its looks a lot like a very large player dumped his silver too, after close at comex friday, silver fell through a hole in the floor while gold went through the roof. Silver and gold, mostly move up and down together, after market on Friday, they started moving apart. I struggle with all this, I’m working here with a pretty simple mind, hell, just two days back, I finley understood what they mean when they say, this or that market is in a bubble, my ah-ha moment for the week, right then and there I made my trade. My Mother loved gold, she was a child of the depression, she would pick up pennies off the street until her dying day. Just let me get straight with you here, all this writing lately is about my Mom, about loosing her, going back years, Mom came out when my daughter was born, my wife and I were living up in Sierra Madre. Mom and I would hike up into the wash early mornings, one day, walking down she swore she saw something sparkle and shine, started scratching around, down on the creek bed, and swore she saw specks of gold, I still remember so well that sparkle I saw in her eyes. So writing all this serves as my distraction, I was left so empty, I’ve had nothing, I’ve just sat around, so now its just a little easier, I pick out these small pieces of time, I remember. These truly are my treasures! Running back to the house, picking up a couple frying pans, spending hours in that wash with Mom panning for gold. Funny at the time, I thought we’d walked away empty handed, Mom found a small rock with some pyrite, said it was as good as gold to her, I think back on that time now, I know it was the mother lode! So I’m just making this stuff up as I go along, I’ve tried to write about loosing Mom and Dad a lot, its hard, it just seems to open healing wounds, beneath they’re still raw, but its getting better, its changing, I’m excited to see what happens with gold and silver this week, I think its changing too, wondering if I’m on the right side…?

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