on March 25, 2010 by alchemystic in American Upbeat, Depression Cookbook, Photo Gallaries, Photography, keg party, Comments (0)

Waiting On A Train Wreck

Oh well, I guess my plea, to stir up a little commercial appeal, fell on deaf ears, oh well, I won’t be deterred, maybe detoured from time to time, I’ll just have to sorta zig zag my way up to the top. It seems those robots are my biggest fans, my groupies, they just keep following me everywhere, not even getting knocked off the Google lists has deterred them. They ain’t kicking down nothing though, just wanting to sell me cialis and stuff, wanting to link my site.
So bare with me, one more time, let me make an appeal, I promise I won’t disappoint, with just a reasonable amount of success, I promise, I can crash and burn with the best of them, its all about securing proper funding, an ample amount of funding. I’ll say this about my work, my photography, unlike the dollars I ask you to part with, acquiring one of my prints, my photographs are fully backed by silver! So while you ponder all that, think about this, all any of us are interested in these days anyways, are other peoples failures, the last big money made on the market, was getting over on the failures of others, its shadow’s cast throughout our culture. Think about it, nobody’s watching the Apprentice just to see who wins, who cares, week by week, millions tune in, anxious to see who gets the boot, that’s where they get the bang for their bucks. Its all science, we’re all managed, manipulated by media in a big way, I know, duh…, but I think now, I’m finley catching on. So let me date myself here, does anyone remember the Ted Mack Amateur Hour, do you remember the format, there would be performance, there would be a winner, sounds boring I bet, to anyone who never saw the show. There was a lot of drama though, the winner always was the focus of the show. If I may, sometimes, I do jump around a bit, sorta like a one man band of indians, shooting arrows, circling a train of wagons, I don’t need to know all about Sandra Bullock, Jessie James, and Some Tattooed Stripper, American Idol, week to week we’re watching, waiting, the suspense, this weeks looser is! What happened, when did it all change, has too much been figured out about us, how we act, how we react, what we react to, do ya think someones out there moving us around like puppets on strings? You know, I think I just figured it all out, pass the Geratol please, think I’ve got some iron poor blood, nix that, pass the whiskey, I can’t take this anymore, let me just pass out! So I was talking about that horse and pony show going on in Washington with Vegas Tony, what a train wreck that was, I don’t agree with Boehner much, this time he was right, this time Tony and I agreed, the whole damn bunch of em, should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone know where I’m going, where I’m trying to take this post, fat chance of that, I’m still pissed off, I’ve been bumped from Google Blog Search, and to think, I was just building up some steam, they’ve impeded me, had an effect on my impact, maybe a good thing, won’t be no train wreck here now, no more momentum! I was looking around, like I said, my guess, this is a good thing, I found some of my stuff being passed around a little, a couple things I wrote have shown up on other pages. Now I don’t think there is any robot action happening here, my assessment of the situation is more than just the robots are tuning in, to think, a growing group of silent site subscribers, I guess now I’m underground!

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