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    • Sugar Daddy
      After poisoning the land, losing half a billion dollars, who you gonna call to bail you out? The politicians you bough and paid for, that’s who. “United States Sugar was, as one official put it during an interview, ‘pretty much in the driver’s seat.’ ” “On Nov. 15, 2007, two United States Sugar lobbyists met in [...] […]
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    • Going Down Video
      Eric Visnov and record a multi-track autio and video session of The End’s song “Going Down”. Additional fractal animation courtesy of Sidd [Video / mpeg] […]
  • RSS Montgomery County Regional News

    • Local Band Boost To Economy
      New WynRise Singles Available Online Lansdale, PA — The up-and-coming band from Montgomery County, PA, WynRise, has made their two new singles available on line. Download: Movin’ On and Take It All Away. Though these two new singles are being given away for free, they have resulted in an economic stimulus for the area. The band recorded [...] […]
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    • Plagued by Plague
      New Research Shows Widespread Risk to Wildlife The effects of plague on wildlife may have been underestimated in the past, according to research published today in a special issue of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. Plague, a flea-borne bacterial disease introduced to North America in the late 1800s, spreads rapidly across a landscape, causing devastating […]
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    • An Evening of Gamelan Meditation
      Gamelan Meditation with Jay Gullo (live music) Friday, March 12 at 7:00 pm Please register by contacting us at 610-742-3908 or $15 a person (Space is limited so please register early. Thank you!) Enjoy the profound benefits of this live performance. Jay Gullo, a meditation teacher for over 30 years, will have you experiencing inner peace th […]
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    • Sage
      Allright, Sage will be playing Saturday April 17th at John and Peters in New Hope, PA. Come out and see us us rock! […]
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    • Music And Chaos Theory
      Peter wrote to us: Hello. I am a composer and I have been obsessed with four dimensional music recently. I don’t know what it is, even though it is a recurring idea. I have been reading a lot and have discovered that the world of fractals and chaos seem to have a definite relationship to [...] […]
  • RSS Computers And Internet Security

    • Census Campaign Warning
      US-CERT asks users to be vigilant during the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Census campaign and to watch for potential census scams. According to the U.S. Census 2010 website, they began delivery of the printed census forms to every resident in the United States on March 1, 2010. The only way to complete the census is by [...] […]
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    • Real Estate Hardest-Hit Fund
      WASHINGTON, DC — The Obama Administration released the next steps in the recently announced Housing Finance Agency Innovation Fund for the Hardest Hit Housing Markets (“HFA Hardest-Hit Fund”). On February 19, 2010, President Obama announced additional funding for innovative measures to help families in the states that have been hit the hardest by the afterma […]
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    • Be Careful What You Advertise
      Be careful what you advertise – In the past, it was difficult to find information about people other than their phone numbers or address. Now, an increasing amount of personal information is available online, especially because people are creating personal web pages with information about themselves. When deciding how much information to reveal, realize that […]

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